Repubs say Romney, Dems say Obama. What do they both get wrong?

You may have noticed lately how all the Republican pundits say Romney will win and all the Democratic pundits say Obama will win.  Don’t they see the same data?  They can’t both be right.  Can they both be wrong? In a word, yes!  How?  Confirmation bias. According to Science Daily, confirmation […]

Translating Goals into Action

Updated and expanded post from Try Reason! Watching the Olympics, I became amazed at the skills these men and women possess.  To achieve such phenomenal skills requires more than just setting big long-term goals – like winning a gold in the Olympics.  It requires many, many years of hard work […]

Writing 5 year goals – a personal example 1

Updated from an earlier post on Try Reason! In a previous post, I identified an outline for identifying 5 year goals, which begins with identifying your central purpose in life (CPL). In this post, I detail how I arrived at my current 5 year goals. I start with my current CPL – to […]

3 Keys to Picking a Career

All things being equal most of us want more money.  All things being equal most of us want a career that brings immense personal satisfaction.  What if those two things do not align?  What if the career that you would love to pursue makes it extremely difficult to make money.  Some common […]

How to stop wasting time and get the most out of life 4

Every action we choose requires time and effort – time and effort that could be spent doing another activity. So its to our best interest to spend each second on activities that create the most value for us – on actions that are value-dense. “Since a value is that which one […]

Why Ambition is a Virtue?

In a world where ambition is sometimes frowned upon, why should you explicitly focus on such a habit and more so, consider it a virtue?  Consider this definition of ambition by Ayn Rand: “the systematic pursuit of achievement and of constant improvement in respect to one’s goal.”  By this conception, […]

Good Business requires Good Philosophy

Mihaly Csikszentamihalyi, a world-renowned psychologist, discovered the psychology of optimal experience, what he calls “Flow“.  In Flow, Dr. Csikszentamihalyi found that surgeons, musicians, athletes, and other top performers share a similar immersive experience, where the world withers away and only the person and their work exist.  Where the challenge of the job matches the skills […]

How to Make Good Habits Inevitable 1

Do you want to eat better?  Do you struggle with procrastination?  Have you ever wanted to be more focused on the big things in life, like my secrete passion to become master juggler?  Developing good habits and fostering principled virtues are difficult for many of us.  They require continued practice […]

A Workbook that Finally Makes Sense

I was delighted recently by the book I read by Ken West, called Get What You Want!  In this book, you will find the best set of questions ever compiled for answering how to “get what you want” from life.  Starting with your dreams and your passions, this book asks pointed questions […]

How to be as successful as Olympians

A recent article examined 7 reasons why Olympians attain a high level of success.  While it is easy to read this article and see how it relates to the athletes, it can be more difficult to relate these same 7 reasons to our own lives.  Allow me to illustrate how […]