In this book, you will find the best set of questions ever compiled for answering how to “get what you want” from life. Starting with your dreams and your passions, this book asks pointed questions to get you to think about what motivates and drives you. From there, it delves into questions to help you identify purpose, goals, and tasks for achieving those dreams and passions. Lastly, the book helps you to avoid the proverbial crab bucket by identifying your dreams, goals, and tasks to get started today. See our full review here. |
The best productivity system on the market. David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done, outlines how you can get control of your projects and activities. It teaches you how to block your time effectively so that you think about and act on things once and then move on to other things. |
Ayn Rand’s ethical system challenges the traditional notion that your life belongs to others. Instead, she articulates why rational self-interests are not only necessary for success, but necessary for a happy life. With the strong philosophic foundation provided in this book, you’ll understand why reason, purpose, and self-esteem create the foundational values for living well. |
This timeless classic by Napoleon Hill summarizes the findings from over 500 interviews of the wealthiest and most successful people in America during the 1920s and ’30s. While some of the parts are dated, like his notion of “vibrations”, many principles for success are discovered and shared. |
Based on the philosophy of Objectivism, Woiceshyn details how to use the principles of Rationality, Productiveness, Pride, Honesty, Integrity, Independence, and Justice in both thinking and acting to achieve a profitable and moral business. This grounded and practical guide can help you establish the principles and habits necessary for success in business. Follow Woiceshyn online here. |